Diane Myers Chartered Accountant new online accounting practice!
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new interactive 'web practice' at www.myersca.co.nz, where we can now provide you with additional services. Our aim is to make better use of your time and keep you up to date on matters affecting your business.
In addition, our web practice offers you interactive services.
Perhaps you run out of time during normal business hours to call us for an appointment...why not schedule an appointment using our special online form? You can access this form any time of the day or night and with the easy to follow instructions, you'll find it a quick and simple way to request an appointment time. Click here to book an appointment.
As we respond to feedback from you and our other clients, we will continue to add further information and interactive services to our website.
Our intention is to provide links to our annual checklists and other documents soon and there will be more soon about the end of the financial year, which is approaching too fast for many of us!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time.
In fact, we'd love your feedback!
Kind Regards
Diane Myers Chartered Accountant Limited